Email Extractor
What is Email Extractor
Do you want to extract the Facebook profile information? Then Facebook data extractor is a must for you. Data extraction is the process of retrieving data from a SaaS database or platform so that it can be replicated where it goes - as a data repository - designed to support online processing (OLAP). Data extraction is the first step in the data entry process called ETL - extract, convert and upload.
How It's work
Email extractor and Facebook data extractor mainly work in three ways.
1. Collect Existing Customer Web Site
Collect the Most Outstanding Customer Database for Groups and Fan pages related to the product you want to promote or offer. Facebook Post will automatically filter people who like to share and comment on those groups or fan pages.
2. Creating a General Facebook Audience
Create a Custom Facebook Audience From Customer Database You May Collect Using Facebook Extractor. To create a custom Facebook audience, go to your Facebook Ads Manager audience section. Then click "Create Audience" and select "Custom Audience" from the drop-down menu.
3. Enter Your Database
Install Database from Facebook Extractor to create custom audiences, then select "Filter Customer" Facebook will match these contacts and Facebook users and create an audience based on those games.
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